Alexander Technique Key Terms Reference Sheet

Here's download link for a 2 page reference sheet on key Alexander Technique principles/ jargon.

Most of these are not ‘scientific’ terms. Instead, they are terms that have been used within the Alexander Technique community for years to speed up communicating the ideas and concepts to students.

Alexander Technique Principles... are ingredients that make up the Alexander Technique.  With practice you learn to understand and use them in new and creative ways to create the conditions for new movement and actions to show up. Have fun, and when lost, come back to principles.

Heads-up, this particular reference sheet has way too much info on it. It's recommend for students who have taken at least 10 lessons in the Alexander Technique, have some handle on what these terms mean from an experiential viewpoint. If you haven't had a chance to do these things yet there is other information on the blog that may be a better use of your time. If you have, enjoy!